Terms of Use


The following Terms of Use (referred to as both the “Terms of Use” and/or "Terms") apply to the Dirt Fix Co website (https://www.dirtfixco.com) (collectively, the "Site") and all other pages within the Site where these Terms appear or are linked.

Acceptance of Terms

Please read these Terms of Use in their entirety. By visiting and/or interacting with the Site, you (referred to as “you”, “your”, and/or “visitor(s)”) are agreeing to these Terms in their entirety. Furthermore, you acknowledge that you are agreeing to adhere to the Terms set forth with the understanding that these Terms are legally binding. Visitor(s) are required to ensure the Site conforms to any laws in their area, both in the U.S.A. and internationally.

Ownership and Rights

The Site is owned and operated by Dirt Fix LLC (referred to as both “Owner” and/or “Company”), a Nevada, U.S.A. Limited Liability Corporation. The Site may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without the express written consent of the Company by an authorized representative of the Company.  

Limited Use

The visitor has a limited right to use the Site under the condition that the Terms set forth in these Terms of Use are abided by. The Owner grants you a limited license to access and make personal use of the Site and its content only to the extent such use does not violate these Terms.  

Age Restrictions

The Site is intended for use by individuals 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18, you may use this Site with the consent and involvement of a parent or guardian.

Prohibited Use

The following is a list of prohibited uses of the Site and/or activity while using the Site.

Using or interacting with the content provided on the Site in any way that infringes or violates the legal, copyright, trademark, service mark, or intellectual property rights of the Company and its affiliated entities is strictly prohibited. This includes copying or downloading data provided on the Site, for commercial or private use. Any use of the Site outside of its intended use for the benefit of any third-party, public or private, is strictly prohibited. The visitor agrees that they will not post on the Site or transmit through the Site any unlawful, harmful, threatening, profane, sexually explicit, or otherwise inappropriate material of any kind, including, but not limited to, any material that would constitute criminal activity or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national, or international regulations. Any use of tools or activities that compromise the security of the Site and/ or are used for the purpose of data gathering are prohibited. Any inappropriate solicitation or harassment of the Company’s owner(s), employee(s), independent contractor(s), investor(s), vendor(s), customer(s), and any other affiliated individuals or entities is prohibited. This furthermore includes false requests for information, otherwise known as “spamming”.

Disputes and Indemnification

It is understood that any disputes arising from the use of the Site will be solely governed by the laws and courts of the State of Nevada, U.S.A. and/or the United States of America. By accepting these Terms, the visitor waives their right to a jury trial in any dispute that arises from the use of the Site as well as any good or service provided by the Company. By visiting and/or interacting with the Site, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Company, including any owner(s), employee(s), independent contractor(s), investor(s), vendor(s), customer(s), and any other affiliated individuals or entities from any liability and/or damages resulting from your use or misuse of the Site.

 Privacy Policy

The following Privacy Policy (referred to as “Policy” and/or “Policies”) apply to the Dirt Fix Co website (https://www.dirtfixco.com) (collectively, the "Site") and all other pages within the Site where these Policies appear or are linked. This Policy covers how the Company uses your information (referred to both as “User Data” and/or “User Information”) when you interact with the Site.

Please read this Policy in its entirety. By visiting and/or interacting with the Site, you (referred to as “you”, “your”, and/or “visitor(s)”) are agreeing to these Policies in their entirety. Visitor(s) are required to ensure the Site conforms to any laws in their area, both in the U.S.A. and Internationally.

This Site uses first-party and third-party websites, software, hardware, and platforms to execute its goods and services. Information is collected for various purposes including analytics, visitor traffic, advertisements, user preferences, and activity history when you visit the Site. This collection of User Data is commonly referred to as the use of “cookies”. Usage of you User Data is governed by the third-party that places the cookie. You can set your internet browser to never accept cookies, but this may limit your ability to use the Site.

This Site uses tools provided by Google LLC (https://www.google.com) to review analytics tied to visitor traffic. This includes analytics provided by usage of Google Search Console and Google Ads. To review their policies as they relate to User Data and privacy, please click here.  

The Site’s web hosting platform is provided by Squarespace, Inc. (https://www.squarespace.com). This Site uses cookies and similar technologies, which are small files or pieces of text that download to a device when a visitor accesses a website or app. Certain functional and required cookies are always used, which allow Squarespace to securely serve this website to you. Additional analytics and performance cookies are used on this Site only when you acknowledge our cookie banner. Please click here to view Squarespace’s cookie policy. To review the cookies Squarespace uses, please click here. Squarespace collects User Data to power analytics including information about your browser, network, and device, web pages you visited prior to coming to this website, and your IP address. This User Data may also include details about your use of this website, including clicks, internal links, pages visited, scrolling, searches, and timestamps. This User Data is used to learn about Site traffic and activity.

When you submit information to the Site via webform, we collect the User Data requested in the webform(s) to track and respond to your submissions. We share this information with Squarespace, so that they can provide website services to us. When you consent to the transfer of information through the Site’s webform tool, the User Information provided by you is sent to an email account facilitated by Microsoft Outlook. Please click here to review Microsoft’s privacy statement, including their use of cookies.

The User Information provided in the webform including name, email, phone number, and other information provided by you will be used to contact you regarding your submission. Any User Information transmitted will only be used by the Company for purposes necessary to execute the goods and services provided by the Company.


These Terms of Use and Privacy Policy were originally written in English. In the event of a conflict between translated versions and the English version, the English version will control except where prohibited by law. The Company makes no guarantee that the Site will be accessible. The Company reserves the right to terminate or suspend any or all parts of the Site at any time, without providing notice. The Company is under no obligation to provide maintenance or support to any visitor(s) of the Site. The Company will not be held liable for disruptions or failures resulting from activities including but not limited to acts of God, natural disasters, acts of terrorism, government regulation, war, civil unrest, strike, and failure of computer and or other systems outside of the Company’s reasonable control. The Site provides links to third-party sites on the Internet. The Company is not responsible for the activity or content of these sites. You are responsible to read their policies thoroughly to understand their data collection practices. The Company will not be held responsible or liable for any incident or damages incurred through the use or interaction with any third-party site, resource, vendor, or provider.


Any concerns, questions, or comments relating to these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy can be emailed to tyler.franek@dirtfixco.com.

Last Update: December 21, 2023